Leonard W. Smith “Mental Health Hero” Award

Flinn Foundation

Leonard W. Smith worked tirelessly his entire career and the Foundation wants to honor his legacy of commitment and outstanding leadership. The Ethel and James Flinn Foundation will recognize a mental health leader in Southeast Michigan.

The Foundation will select an established nonprofit leader annually to take four weeks away from their day-to-day responsibilities to re-energize and focus on their mental wellness. A leader is defined as the Executive Director/CEO, or any senior level position that reports directly to the Executive Director, of a nonprofit organization that provides mental health treatment and services. The goal of the break is to allow the leader to relax, restore and return refreshed and reenergized. Priority is given to those who have a demonstrated track record in the field and are recognized not only for the success of their organization, but for their external community leadership. Only full-time, salaried leaders are eligible. The applicant organization must have at least five full-time staff. The break also allows an opportunity to develop and share leadership across the organization during that time away. Eligibility is determined by the Foundation, and eligible applicants are contacted about the application process.

The Flinn Foundation will award $25,000 directly to the organization:  $10,000 goes to the recipient so they can reflect or renew in whatever manner they propose, and *$15,000 goes to their organization to help prepare for the recipient to take time away. 

*Of the $15,000 to the organization, funds can be used for professional development, bonuses for staff who take on added responsibility, staff retreats, team building expenses, or whatever the organization determines is appropriate.

In exchange, the organization agrees to maintain the leader’s full compensation while they are on break.


Individual applicants for this program should:

  • Be in paid, full-time, senior level position at a Southeast Michigan nonprofit (7 counties) that provides mental health treatment and services.
  • Have been employed at the Southeast Michigan nonprofit organization for at least five years and held a senior level position for at least three of those years.

This program is not intended for public school, college, university, or government employees; hospital administrators; or full-time clergy.

Selection Criteria

One recognition recipient is selected based on criteria including:

  • The applicant’s professional accomplishments
  • Evidence of the need for time away
  • The difficulty of their work environment and population served

Application Timeline

(Eligibility is determined by the Foundation and eligible applicants are contacted about the application process.)

  • October 31: Deadline for Applications
  • November: Application review and selection made
  • Early December: Announcement of Award Recipient
  • Selection: The selection committee is comprised of leaders who are knowledgeable about the value and contributions of the mental health sector and other key partners. The committee reviews the applications and makes its recommendations to Ethel and James Flinn Foundation Board of Trustees for final selection.

Contact Andrea Cole at acole@flinnfoundation.org for more information.